“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” - Confucius

Fiscal Year 2023-24 Adopted Budget

Fiscal Year 2023-24 will be a challenging year.  Revenues from property taxes are not increasing at a rate equivalent to our cost increases. Revenues from federal and state subventions are becoming unreliable.  This has, and will continue to, worsen our structural deficit. Although we have been able to balance this year with one-time funds and elimination of some funded vacant positions, next year will be more difficult because those one-time funds will not be available. Thus, we think of this County's Budget as a transitional year plan, and it will be frequently reassessed as the financial landscape changes throughout this year.
The County's structural budget deficit, where recurring expenditures exceed recurring revenue, is approximately $280 million as the County enters the next fiscal year.
Below is an interactive dashboard where residents can view the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Adopted Budget Overview, Revenues, Expenditures and Positions.


For the FY 2023-24 Adopted Budget, the County anticipates $10.3 billion in revenues.  Of these, the majority are within the Health and Hospital System (49%) and Finance and Government Operations (32%). 
*Revenue is the estimated amount of money the County earns and receives that can be used for the provisions of services.  It consists of residential and commercial property taxes, Federal and State aid, fees collected for services provided and other sources.


For the FY 2023-24 Adopted Budget, the County anticipates $10.7 billion in net expenditures.  The majority of expenditures are in the area of the Health and Hospital System (51%) and Finance and Government Operations (24%). 
*Appropriation for expenditures is spending authority to County departments to make payments for staff and the acquisition of goods and services used in the provision of services and the operation, or the transfer of funds to other organizations for public purposes.  Expenditures include payments made for salaries and benefits of staff, services and supplies, interest charges on debt incurred by the County, grants to other organizations, equipment, and facility improvements. Net Expenditure takes into account cost reimbursement from other budget units within the same fund.  Use of net expenditures avoids double counting of these costs.


The County is proud of our diverse workforce, consisting of 22,300 positions.  Of these, 49% of the positions are in the Health and Hospital System, 17% of the positions are in Public Safety and Justice, and 16% of the positions are in Finance and Government Operations.   
*Positions represent authorized jobs to be filled by County departments, each with specific duties and responsibilities that require the services of employees.  Position allocations are used for budgeting salaries and benefits.  They can be full-time or part-time and are measured on a full-time equivalent (FTE) basis.

This County's Budget is consistent with the mission statement, core values, and policy priorities approved by the Board of Supervisors, as listed below:

Mission Statement

The mission of the County of Santa Clara is to plan for the needs of a dynamic community, provide quality services, and promote a healthy, safe, and prosperous community for all.

Core Values

  • Advance Equity
  • Demonstrate ethical conduct reflecting honesty and integrity
  • Commit to efficient, effective, quality service
  • Value the community
  • Uphold our fiscal responsibility
  • Exhibit mutual respect
  • Encourage innovation and flexibility

Policy Priorities

  • Expand Behavioral and Medical Care Access & Quality
  • Increase Access to Housing
  • Strengthen Community Safety and Reform Criminal Justice
  • Enhance Support for Children and Families
  • Promote Sustainability
For more information, please visit FY2023-24 Adopted Budget.