City Limits Layer. This is the official GIS layer representing City Limit Boundaries for Cities within Santa Clara County. This layer is maintained by the Planning Office for the benefit of LAFCO.
Unincorporated Areas Layer. This is the official GIS layer representing Unincorporated Areas within Santa Clara County. This layer is maintained by the Planning Office for the benefit of LAFCO.
The Points of Interest (POI) Dataset is a digital representation of the physical geographic and commercial features across all of Santa Clara County. This dataset aims to provide accurate location information in the map. Sources: Info USA (2010), California Department Of Education (2016), Santa Clara County Combined data (2016).
General Plan Layer. This is the official GIS layer representing General Plan Land Use designations for the areas outside of Urban Service Areas within Santa Clara County.
State Board of Equalization (BOE) maintains the Tax-Rate Mapping Program. A tax-rate area number is assigned to each geographical area in California with a different distribution of revenues among taxing jurisdictions. The tax-rate areas are used to allocate property tax revenues to the appropriate taxing entities. The updated TRA boundary file is downloadable from BOE site. County of Santa Clara Tax Rate and Information is available from Controller-Treasure Department site.
A story on the number of employees providing vital services across the Health, Safety, and Social Services sectors within the County, along with demographic information that highlights the diversity of the County workforce.